We are Debt-Free, Besides the House

My husband and I have spent almost our entire marriage debt-free, other than our home mortgage. We made the decision that debt was just not worth it. Not worth the feeling of being tied down. Not worth the headache. Not worth the feeling you get when you realize you have something that actually still belongs to someone else.

Here’s a little background on my journey with managing money. Growing up, money was not really discussed too much in my home. While I am thankful for the great childhood I had and don’t really see that this hurt me in any way, I do believe it is important that I teach my children how to manage money before they go off into the world on their own.

My husband and I are blessed to be where we are today because we have remained strong in our decision to avoid going into debt as much as possible. Although there is something freeing when you are able to pay cash for something you need instead of charge it on a credit card, it is also freeing to walk away and say “no” when you truly can’t afford something.

Even when you have your mind set on not going into debt, the temptation is still there. When you need to purchase large ticket items, you can’t help but consider, “should I just make the payments on this?” But we remember how far we’ve come, and we remember why we have a savings account for said items.

Ultimately, we know that God has given us everything we have. These are His blessings, and His word specifically tells us to be good stewards of His blessings. I have a follow-up post coming soon all about this topic. Be sure you’re subscribed to my email list so you don’t miss it!

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