How to go from Spender to Saver

Most people would classify themselves as more of a spender or a saver. If you are more of a spender, you have the tendency to buy things anytime you want them, regardless of if you actually need them and how much they cost. It doesn’t mean you don’t still save some of your money, but you might only be saving the bare minimum and spending way too much.

If you are more of a saver, you have the tendency to evaluate your spending and be more selective with what you purchase. Before spending any money, you usually try to decide if what you are buying is a necessary purchase, and you may even try to find it at a cheaper price.

So what does it take to go from spender to saver? Like with most things, a simple shift in your mindset is all you need. First, answer a couple questions: Why do you feel the need to spend so much? How do you plan to ever get ahead financially if you are spending more than you are saving?

Shifting your mindset about saving money can be tricky because most habits are hard to change. Here are some things to keep in mind before you spend any more money.

Ask yourself if what you are buying is a need or a want. This is the most important question you can ask yourself before making a purchse. Sometimes we are convinced we need something until we really take the time to think about it and find out it was actually just a want.

You don’t need every bargain. I love a good sale! Sales are one of the most tempting things to someone who is a bargain hunter. But just because something is on sale, doesn’t mean it has to come home with you.

What you buy today directly affects your future. You may not realize it in the moment when you find something you just have to have. But every action you take today has an effect on future you.

The little things add up quick. Just because something is cheap and doesn’t cost much, it still adds up over time. Small purchases over the course of a week, a month, or a year can really take a toll on your bank account and your ability to save.

The bottom line to becoming more of a saver than a spender is to be more mindful of your choices. No matter what age you are when you’re reading this, it is never too late to start saving more than you spend and make tomorrow and every day after a little easier on yourself and your family.

As always, I love reading your comments and feedback! Let me know…are you more of a spender or a saver?