Simple Swaps: Household Cleaner

It seems like there is a specific surface cleaner for everything these days. Not only can it be overwhelming with as many choices as we have, but we also want to know: How effective will it be? Is it safe to use around kids or pets? Not to mention, the cost of these products can really add up!

I have switched to a simple mixture of distilled white vinegar and lemon essential oil for most surface cleaning. There are many recipes out there for “DIY Household Cleaner,” but the truth is, vinegar is a one-stop shop disinfectant, as it cleans and kills bacteria. I add lemon essential oil due to its antibacterial properties and it also to help suppress the vinegar smell.

I love that this cleaner is safer for use around my kids and pets. It is also much cheaper! I purchase my essential oils from Plant Therapy. After searching far and wide, this company checks all the boxes for me. Vinegar is pretty inexpensive and you can find it in almost every grocery store. Lastly, I either recycle an old bottle I already have, or hit up the Dollar Tree (which is really the dollar twenty-five tree!) for a cheap squirt bottle. Mix a 1:1 ratio of water and vinegar, along with 5-10 drops (or more, depending on the size bottle you have) of lemon essential oil.

Simple as that. Happy cleaning!

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