Make it at Home: Coffee

How much do you spend buying coffee out every week? The few dollars here and there add up QUICK! I was 100% guilty of throwing a couple dollars each day to have my morning caffeine kick before work, until…

I decided I wanted to start saving money by making my own coffee at home. Because holy crap – it gets expensive! I could save a lot when I looked at how much a drink costs to buy at a coffee shop versus if I make it myself. The problem? It never tasted as good, and it wasn’t as convenient.

Problem solved. (see “recipe” below!) I was determined to figure out what made those drinks taste so good and make my own version. And as for convenience, if you really want that morning pick-me-up, you’ll give yourself a few extra minutes in the morning to make it. Oh, and it probably takes less time than going to wait in line at Starbucks or Dunkin anyway.

I’m showing you how I make iced coffee, but saving time by making your own hot coffee at home is the same concept. Find a milk/creamer/syrup combo you like and start making your own version of your favorite drink you pay $2-$6 for at a restaurant. Or better yet, drink it black with nothing in it! (healthier, but it’s not my thing)

You need: coffee, milk, coffee syrup, and creamer. Also, these are just approximate measurements…I rarely actually measure anything in the kitchen!

Prepare 8oz of coffee in a mug.
In a separate mug, add 3 servings (yes, 3!) of creamer, 1 “squeeze” of syrup, 1 and ½ cups of milk, and ½ cup of ice. Mix well.
Lastly, pour in your coffee, stir, and enjoy!

Tip: Serve in a mug like this one to keep it cold (or hot if you’re not into iced coffee) for a long time!

That’s it! So easy, huh? Made me realize I was wasting hard earned cash on something I could do myself. By the way, this Kauai Coffee is so good! The Vanilla Macadamia Nut is my new favorite. Try it here! 😋

So tell me, what’s your favorite coffee?