Living a Simple, More Intentional Life


Do you have a few minutes? If so, make a list of what makes you happy. Everything that you can think of that brings you joy in your life, add it to this list.

After you create this list, make another list with the things that you do every day. Include things that you do in a typical day, almost every single day.

Next, compare the two lists. What is different between the two? What is the same? If there are more things different than there are things the same, maybe something should change.

Living a life that is intentional means cutting out the things we do that do not really matter to us. If you are spending your days doing what you do not want to do, maybe it is time to adjust your schedule to include the things that you love doing. It is no surprise that this life is short and will pass you by before you know it. We live in a fast-paced world, and it is only getting faster.


Intentionality comes from within. You have to think before you act. Each day is a gift that we have been given to enjoy and do the things that make us happy.

Intentional living does not mean that you shouldn’t still be productive. If you have a family and they are important to you, there may be sacrifices that you have to make in order to take care of them. For instance, working a job to financially support them. However, the time that you are not working will probably be spent with them, if they truly bring you joy.

Don’t forget to take care of yourself. This is much too easy to do when we have so many other things that we do on our “every day” list. However, if taking care of yourself will benefit the family that you love (as in, keep you alive and well longer) you may find that there is enough time in your day to do so.