Do You Really Need a Budget? (FREE Budget Template)

Here is the simple truth: if you don’t control your money, your money will control you. The purpose of a budget is to do just that: take control of your finances. Using a budget can help you reach your financial goals a lot sooner! The main reason people find making a budget intimidating is because it requires you to be disciplined and take the time to actually sit down and evaluate your spending.

Do you feel like your spending is out of control? Are you living paycheck to paycheck? Do you want to start saving more every month for your future? No matter what your financial goals are, you and your family can benefit from following a budget. Below, I’ve broken down the steps to successfully utilize a budget as a tool to get you more “financially fit.”

Step 1: Create a budget already! All you need is a budget template. You don’t have to look for one, because I have created a FREE spreadsheet for you! Simply click the link and type your email in to access it. This is an ACTIVE SHEET, so once you have the template, be sure to save it to your device or Google account before editing and you are on your way to keeping better track of your money!

Step 2: Actually follow your budget. Once you’ve created a budget, the hardest part is actually staying the course and keeping track of what you spend day to day while making adjustments. But it doesn’t have to be difficult. The free budget template I created can be used on any device, including your phone. Anytime you need to reference or edit your budget, it is literally at your fingertips on your smart phone! If you are not into technology, no worries…simply print the template and write in your income and expenses monthly.

Step 3: Update your budget as life changes. As you go through different seasons of life, your budget will change. Major life changes like marriage, having children, a new job, moving, etc. means our priorities shift, and our budget should be adjusted accordingly. It’s super easy to make changes on the budget template to customize it to your specific situation.

Step 4: Start reaping the benefits of a budget. Once you have started using a budget to see what your money is doing every month, you will be able to make adjustments in your spending, or maybe even notice you need to increase your income, to better support your lifestyle. But without knowing how much is coming in versus going out of your pocket every month, it’s impossible to get a grip on your finances.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog. I hope this was helpful to you. As always, I am here to answer any questions you have, or reply to any feedback you would like to give me, in the comments below!

2 thoughts on “Do You Really Need a Budget? (FREE Budget Template)

  1. My mother always followed a budget and tried to teach all three of her children (myself and two brothers) how to follow one. 🙂

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