The Afternoon Slump Cure

No matter what your days look like, at some point you are bound to hit a wall. We all know the feelings that creep up… you’re tired, overwhelmed, unable to focus, or bored. Some days I wonder how I’m going to make it through. Maybe I need a nap, caffeine for an energy boost, or some down time to mindlessly scroll on my phone?

But I have found there are simpler, healthier, and more efficient things you can do. To get over that afternoon slump and stay productive, try one of these instead!

Drink some water. Many times exhaustion or feeling tired is simply a result of dehydration. Sipping water can help you stay awake if you’re feeling tired and also get some fluid back into your body to help you perk up.

Take a walk. Moving your body and getting your blood flowing by walking is a sure way to feel less tired. If you’re mentally overwhelmed, taking a quick walk can help release the stress you’re feeling.

Pray. Praying to the Lord is the best way to help you feel more alive. Prayer is about thanking God and praising Him for His many blessings, as well as asking for help in time of need. He wants to hear from you and can give you the strength you need to get through your day.

Focus on your breath. It is easy to forget to breathe sometimes, whether you are tired or feeling like your brain is on overdrive. Focus on simply breathing in and out for one minute to get more oxygen back to your brain and feel more awake.

Write it down. If you are tired as a result of having too much on your mind or feeling overwhelmed, maybe you need to write your thoughts down on paper. This is a great release of stress and can help you think more clearly.

I hope you were able to find these easy tips helpful.

Please share your suggestions in the comments for getting through the inevitable afternoon slump!

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