5 Ways to Naturally Energize Yourself

Hi there! Welcome back to Simple Life at Home. Today I’m giving you five (of many!) ideas to help you feel more energized, naturally, without having to depend on something like caffeine. Caffeine and processed sugars are very addictive and I try to avoid becoming dependent on them every day. These ideas are super basic, but they do actually help! Whether you’re at work or at home with your kids, you could benefit from this list.

Get Moving
I mentioned this first because I feel it is the most effective. A body in motion stays in motion! Taking a few minutes during the day to walk a little when you start to feel tired will help get your blood flowing. Or maybe avoid the slump all together and walk before you normally start to feel tired! Actually, any form of exercise will work. The natural endorphins your body releases will help you feel more awake. You could even go for a walk several times during the day, even if it’s only for a few minutes, to give your body the energy boost it needs.

Soak up the Sun
Going outside or even sitting in a bright, sun-lit room will help you boost your mood and energy. Getting outside in the fresh air and absorbing some vitamin D can help you feel more alive. So if you’re stuck indoors because of your job or if the hot summer days are keeping you in, at least open the curtains and blinds to lift your mood!

Drink Something Cold
If you’re feeling kind of tired, try making a cold glass of ice water. Water is the most hydrating choice, and drinking it ice cold will keep you from feeling as tired. If you aren’t a water drinker, anything that is ice cold will help. Just remember that staying hydrated is the best way to keep your energy levels up.

Eat Some Fruit
This is might seem silly, but hear me out. Fruit has natural sugars that will give you a little boost and a crunchy fruit like an apple would be a good choice! Grapes are another option and they contain a good amount of natural sugar to give you some extra energy.

Get Enough Sleep at Night
The final tip I have for you is more of a preventative one: go to bed earlier! If you’re used to staying up late every night, you may need to adjust your night routine so you can start winding down earlier. Try going to bed earlier and getting more hours of sleep to fight that afternoon fatigue, without having to chug a cup of coffee.